Sebastien MONNET

Publié le mar 13 Oct 2020

French version

Professor , POLYTECH Annecy-Chambéry


Email : sebastien.monnet –@–

Phone : +33(0) 4 50 09 65 24 – fax : +33(0) 4 50 09 65 59

Office : A228

Postal address : LISTIC – Polytech’Savoie, BP 80439, 74944 Annecy le Vieux Cedex, France

Sébastien Monnet is full professor at Savoie Mont Blanc University since september 2016. He teaches at Polytech’ Annecy-Chambéry and works at the LISTIC  laboratory (he is deputy director of the LISTIC). before, he was associate professor at Pierre et Marie Curie University  (now called Sorbonne Université, Paris – France) from september 2007 to august 2016. he was working in the UPMC/Inria REGAL team (called DELYS now) at LIP6. He defended is HDR in november 2015 (Contributions to data replication in large-scale distributed systems). He was on leave at Inria in 2013-2014.

Theme : ReGaRD

  • Large-scale distributed systems
  • Data-replication
  • Fault tolerance
  • Consistency models and protocols
  • Virtualization and Clouds
  • Simulation

Teaching activities

  • Responsible for internships for IAI and IDU specialities of Polytech Annecy
  • Embeded systems (IAI, 3dr year)
  • Operating Systems and Virtualization (IDU, 1st year)
  • data streams and concurrent accesses (IDU, 2nd year)
  • Large-scale distributed systems (IDU, 2nd year)
  • HPC and cloud (IDU, 3rd year)

Research activities

  •  Ongoing thesis
  1. Mauffret, Etienne, « Gestion de données à grande échelle — Placement, indexation, cohérence modulaire et tolérance aux fautes », co-encadrée par Flavien Vernier, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, 2017–(en cours)
  • Past thesis
  1. Carver, Damien, « Consolidation avancée pour les conteneurs dynamiques », cifre Magency, co-encadrée par Julien Sopena et Pierre Sens, Sorbonne Université, 2015–2019
  2. Hamidouche, Lyes, « Vers une dissémination efficace de données volumineuses sur des réseaux WI-FI denses / Data replication and data sharing in mobile networks », cifre Magency, co-encadrée par Pierre Sens, Sorbonne Université, 2014–2018
  3. Lorrilere, Maxime, « A kernel cooperative cache for virtualized environments », co-encadrée par Julien Sopena et Pierre Sens, Sorbonne Université, 2012–2016
  4. Véron, Maximze, « Scalable services for massively multiplayer online games », co-encadrée par Olivier Marin et Pierre Sens, Sorbonne Université, 2012–2015
  5. Pires, Karine, « Delivery and Transcoding for Large Scale Live Streaming Systems », co-encadrée par Pierre Sens et Gwendal Simon, Sorbonne Université, 2012–2015
  6. Cincilla, Pierpaolo, « Adaptive consistency for large-scale data replication », co-encadrée par Marc Shapiro, Sorbonne Université, 2010–2014
  7. Da Silva Silvestre, Guthemberg, « Distributed data storage leveraging edge devices »,  cifre Orange, co-encadrée par Pierre Sens et Ruby Krisnashwamy, Sorbonne Université, 2014–2018
  8. Legtchenko, Sergey, « Dynamic adaptation of distributed architectures for massively multi-player online games »,  co-encadrée par Pierre Sens, Sorbonne Université, 2014–2018

Main research projects

  • 2019-2020: AAP USMB DEDICATED project. LISTIC internal project (trans-theme ReGaRD/AFuTé): Distributed DeEp learning, connected objects
  • 2016-2020: ANR RainbowFS project (lead by Sorbonne University), in collaboration with Sorbonne University, Télécom Sud Paris, LIG (UGA), Scality
  • 2015–2017: Coopération CNRS-Araucaria. Member of project « algorithmes autonomes et scalables pour la construction de systèmes distribués robustes »
  • 2014–2015: PHC Maimonide Regal/Technion. Member of project Maimonide on detecting Byzantines failures in clouds
  • 2013–2015: ARMADA. Member of the ARMADA associated team (Inria/Chili)
  • 2011–2014: Nu@ge (Fonds National pour la Société Numérique). Consortium: Non Stop Systems (leader), Oodrive, Alphalink, CELESTE, DotRiver, NewGeneration, UPMC
  • 2011–2014: FUI ODISEA. Consortium: Orange Labs (leader), Enovance, Institut Telecom, UbiStorage, UPMC


  • Financial chair EDCC 2015, 11th European dependable computing conference – dependability in practice
  • Workshops Chair SBAC-PAD 2014, 26th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing

PC member (last years)

  • 2019 : HPCS, CCGrid, ADVComp, Compas, Cloud Computing, Infocomp, NGNI
  • 2018 : CCGrid, SAC, HPCS, SIMUL
  • 2017 : CCGrid, SAC
  • 2016 : CCGrid, SAC
  • 2015 : NetGames, Compas, 3PGCIC, SAC

Journals reviewer (last years)

  • 2019 : IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
  • 2018 : IEEE Letters of the Computer Society
  • 2017 : IEEE Transactions on Parallel and distributed systems, The computer journal (Oxford)
  • 2016 : IEEE Transactions on Big Data, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and distributed systems